Durganidhi Sharma

Durga Nidhi Sharma is a former Secretary of the Government of Nepal (GoN)l with more than three decades of administrative experience and public financial management. His expertise lies in national budget formulation, execution and managing fiduciary risk. He was instrumental to devise internal audit manual and budget formulation directives for GoN. He designed and helped to design policies in the areas of public expenditure management such as budget disbursement, foreign aid management, debt management, treasury single account system, public procurement management etc. Very recently, he led a study to recommend FCGO in the areas of improving Government accounting forms and formats. He pioneered the concept of Three Years Rolling Plan (TYRP) and prioritization of national development projects in government budgets. Further, this initiative has been translated into Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF). As the Fund Director of Nepal Peace Trust Fund (NPTF), he managed USD 100 million annual funds for 3 years funded by different donors such as DANIDA, Finland, DFID, EU, GIZ, NORAD and SDC. Trained in ILO Turin Training Centre in procurement management, he was involved in drafting Nepal's procurement law. He served as the Councilor of the Institute of Nepal Chartered Accountants of Nepal for 3 years from 2001 to 2003. He authored four books (change management, budget management, managing local peace committees, and project management). He has published more than 30 articles including an article ‘Successful Negotiation Techniques’ in International Trade Centre, UNCTAD/WTO publication International Purchasing and Supply Links, (Bulletin No. 6, of March 2003)